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Personal Addiction Recovery Stories

sober success stories

Looking back, this is the first proof that I’d really changed. Unlike countless times before when I had gritted my teeth, determined to solve all of my problems myself, this time I asked for help. In my most shameful moment, rather than hiding or posturing or denying, I let people see me. We might believe it took us 10 years to quit a job or fix a marriage, but really, if we think about it, the actual change happened in a heartbeat. I was hyper-aware of other people, on constant high-alert thanks to my home life. I had a persistent belief that everyone was talking about me, plotting against me or wishing me harm.

One patient’s journey from kidney failure to transplant

sober success stories

We have treated more than 72,000 patients on our mission to save 1,000,000 lives. “I have all the good things in life that everybody talks about,” he said. “I’m worthy of that too. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ Once you get to that place it’s pretty liberating.” Travis Rasco in Upstate New York says he’s grateful he got enough time, enough chances and enough help to rebuild his life.

Discover UCLA Health

One year ago, December 2018, I was in a very different place. My marriage was in a really bad way, my weight had spiralled out of control and my blood pressure was dangerously high. Hiding alcohol from my wife had somehow become part of the norm and I had virtually lost all conscience about doing so. Most of our champions went alcohol-free, but all of us can benefit from checking up on our drinking and making sure we’re happy and in control. Take a quiz to see how healthy your drinking is. Recovery is often bolstered by community— a shared space of understanding and support.

Living Recovery: True Stories of Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a chronic disorder, not a personal failure. There is a human face behind every example, and there is real hope that addiction recovery can change your life. As a woman, part of my journey is about finding my voice and figuring out who I am. After nearly a decade of living in recovery, I can tell you that long-term sobriety is not for the faint of heart. A lot has happened in these nine and a half years.

The Benefits of Regular Liver Detox and How to Do It Right

It’s not like, hey, these are real people and they just do it every day. It’s not like, hey, I’m normal and I have to do this the exact same way you would if you had to do it. I think it’s important to be proud of being sober and to share your story. Just like I talk about anything else going on in my life, this is a part of me. There are a lot of things I love in this world and sobriety is one of them, so I like to talk about that very openly. I don’t think it’s for everybody and I totally respect that.

sober success stories

Welcome to Mainspring Recovery, The #1 Rehab Center in Virginia

Robert entered a long-term residential treatment program, where he received extensive therapy and support. He discovered a love for writing, which became a therapeutic outlet for him. Robert has published a memoir about sober success stories his journey and speaks at recovery events, inspiring others with his story. James’s alcohol addiction cost him his marriage and his career. Desperate for change, he sought help from a faith-based rehab center.

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  • Drug and alcohol addiction stories are usually shadowed by short, faceless segments on the news.
  • Each factor is interrelated and contributes to a comprehensive approach to recovery.

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